Monday, January 10, 2011






These are my own creations, where they have been first hand rendered through a thick ended brush, then scanned in, and changed within illustrator in order to be worked around.

I may have the idea of masking photos/imagery within the text, so it goes from text ---> imagery.

Non Created

These are font styles that were downloaded, and working around what style would work best for the title/brand.

I have decided to call it 'Eleven.Onbir' as it will be aimed at both major demographics; the Non Turkish Cypriots and the Turkish Cypriots. 

The style of hand-rendered, script, painted, stamped will be used as it gives the whole narrative a meaning on the emotion and feeling put through.

Stencil Ideas.

Sans Serif [Without Counters] + Sans Serif [With Counters]

Sans Serif [Without Counters] = Non Turkish Cypriot Demographics, Unpainted canvas, Unexperienced, have not seen, Unprepared, clean and innocent.
Serif font style;

Turkish Cypriot demographics, more emotion and feeling within it, detail, presentable, narrative.
Handwritten font style;

Turkish Cypriot demographics, Seen/felt/heard, experienced, no fear can stand in the way, last words.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Project: 3D

Description of the project
Technique development [concept ideas]
Audience experience [emotional feeling behind it]
Quotes/ Phares used [Layout]

Importance [interviews/image resource/primary/secondary]
Questions to ask to get the most out of the experience
Significance of shadows & light
Type in space

Creation of shadow
Creation of letters through shadows
Creation of words through shadows
Results > Next Step/or back to Concept

Analysis & Reflection
My own
Use of technology
Future Direction [Where else can this be used?

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Working on what style would work for the title "eleven".

I used letters instead of displaying it numerically, allowing the font style used to give character to the word/number, to give it heart, soul and emotion.

The style chosen will be script, with a distort, grungy, worn away feel to it. The styles below are examples, and I will create my own, which will be on the wall, before the entrance of the exhibition.


Deciding on what to call my FMP, and so far i'm stuck between two at the moment.

• eleven


• Don't Look Back. RUN. [Arkana Bakma. KOŞ]

Will keep you in suspense in what the FMP will be about, till after Tuesday 11th January 2011